Sunday, June 1, 2008

week 4 post

The expressions of the friendships greatly differ in men and women. Men seems to keep their emotions inside,they deffinitely care for the other person, but get confused how to express it ,whereas women are kind of opposite of that and express their feelings either aggresivelely or try to talk in an organized patttern.As noted in wood's,pg.213, Paul Wright pointed to interaction style. He noted that women engage face to face,wheras men usually interact side by side. Wright further suggested that men give more importance to do things together,verses women put more emphasis on tlking and being togher. It's the mother's nature that women are more caring,nurturing,passionate and express their love more often than men.

Woman have a tendeccy of talking or I should say a great quality of conversing which sometimes resolve a lot of problems especially in husband and wife relationship.Even just think of asking directions on the road if lost,and in the store to find things women ask for help rightaway verses men they waste their time getting lost, but they think they will eventually do it themselves.


Jenai F. said...


I agree completely. It is highly likely that men try to conceal there emotional expression. I believe that due to their society that they grew up in they must obtain what they were taught about being a man. Many men try to hide their feelings concerning love and fear. If they are open with women they tend to feel unprotected.

Dori A. said...

Great insight! I especially like your comments about men now liking to ask for directions!!
And your comment about women interacting face to face and men working side by side seems symbolic of men's inability of express their feelings as well as women.

Caebri said...

I agree as well Anjum!! Many men don't fully express their feelings or give their insight. One reason I believe most men find it hard to do such things is because of their pride. I love your example with getting lost, a woman will ask for directions much quicker than a man simply beause many men don't want to seem incapable of doing anything. Its very interesting to me!! Why do men feel as though its a bad thing if they are incapable? This surely ties into men concealing their true feelings. Its a matter of men being strong and almighty.And I agree with the text as well that men and women build friendships and interact within them differently.

Prof.M said...

What has been your personal experience with these gender differences? I would have liked to see you personal the post.The idea is to make personal application to your own life with gender communication.